Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) Objectives
St. Edmund's R.C. Primary School is committed to ensuring equality of provision throughout the school community.
Under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) the school is required to set Equality Objectives. Our objectives are based on analysis of data and other information and are linked to our whole school priorities set out in our school self-evaluation and school improvement plan. Our equality objectives focus on those areas where we have agreed to take action to improve equality and tackle disadvantage. We will review them annually and publish them every four years.
Objective 1: Ensure by the end of this academic year all governors & staff have received up to date equality training
Objective 2: Ensure that staff receive relevant training and support to help ensure pupils with SEN/D have full access to curriculum and enrichment activities
Objective 3: Ensure that our PSED curriculum in Early Years supports children for life in modern Britain
Why have we chosen these objectives?
- From school self-evaluation and review of policy, leaders identified the need for staff and governors to receive up to date equality training. The aim is to complete this process this academic year and then undertake annual refresher training and review in future years.
- From monitoring the quality of the curriculum, leaders have identified the need for staff to receive additional support and training to help them in turn support our children with SEN/D
- Research shows that children as early as 3-4 years have made up their minds about gender roles in society. This year, we will be participating in a research based initiative, ‘think equal’ which aims to challenge children’s thinking as part of their personal, social and emotional development.
To achieve these objectives, we plan to:
- Training to be delivered by an external provider. Those staff unable to access ‘live’ training will be supported by SLT to access the materials at the earliest opportunity.
- Provide high quality CPD and support for all relevant teachers & TAs
- Update and improve our PSED curriculum & resources including texts for children in Early Years
Success Criteria
- 100% of staff report that they have a good understanding of equality, the school’s objectives and agree to adhere to the put the policy into practice.
- 100% of staff report that they have better knowledge and understanding of how to provide inclusive education and enrichment for our pupils with SEN/D
- Improved education, behaviour and attitudes of our younger pupils towards others with protected characteristics
Our Equality policy and further information about our PSED is available if you click on the Equality policies tab.